吃透领导精神 深入调查研究 体现党报特点 更突出地宣传上海社会主义精神文明建设

来源 :新闻大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Monalisacode
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在坚持以经济建设为中心,搞好上海物质文明建设宣传的同时,把上海社会主义精神文明建设放在更突出的地位宣传好,这是作为市委机关报的解放日报义不容辞的光荣责任。近几年来,解放日报在搞好社会主义精神文明建设报道的过程中,注意做到:自觉按照邓小平同志关于上海要交出物质文明建设和精神文明建设两份答卷的要求,按照江泽民同志要求上海高举社会主义物质文明建设和社会主义精神文明建设两面旗帜的一贯指示,努力站在市委的高度,紧跟市委部署,把握好宣传大局;围绕提高城市文明程度,提高市民素质,发动记者深入调查研究,努力写出有质量的典型报道;加强整体规划,发挥各部门优势,在全报社形成加强精神文明建设宣传的合力。 While adhering to the economic construction as the center and doing a good job of publicizing propaganda and material construction in Shanghai, it is a good publicity to give top priority to the building of Shanghai’s socialist spiritual civilization. This is an honorable duty as the liberating daily reported by the municipal government organs. In recent years, during the process of doing well in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the Jiefang Daily notices that in accordance with Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s call for the surrender of two responses to the building of material civilization and spiritual civilization, Comrade Deng Xiaoping asked Shanghai Hold high the great banner of the socialist material civilization and the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and strive to stand at the height of the municipal party committee, closely follow the plan of the municipal party committee and grasp the overall situation of propaganda. Focusing on improving the urban civilization and enhancing the quality of the public, the reporter launches a thorough investigation and study , Strive to write a typical report of quality; strengthen the overall planning, give full play to the advantages of various departments in the formation of the whole newspaper to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization publicity.