我们甚至连他的名字都叫不上来,只知他姓钟,所以就叫他“小钟”。他的厂名也叫不上来,也不知他在哪里办公,我们只知道需要印东西的时候就打他的手机(再早一些时候是通过BP机Call他),他总能很快就赶到。小钟个子矮矮的,细眯着眼睛,怎么看都不起眼,潮汕人(具体是哪里人,也没人说得出来),普通话广州话都不标准,不善谈吐,除了谈印刷的事,很少再谈别的。他从来不会主动扯起话题,到我们公司来,就是领任务、送货、收款,每次逗留的时间也不长(压根就谈不出什么东西)。他与我们公司就是这样做业务的,一晃竟然做了十几年! 十几年前,我们公司还很小的时候,也不知怎么回事,他与我们联系上了。当时他也就十六七岁的样子,我们把他当小孩。他有点儿害羞,甚至是木讷。也许是
We even called his name can not be called, only know his name bell, so call him “little bell.” He can not tell his name, nor does he know where he’s working. We only know that he needs to print his cellphone when it needs to be printed (and call him sometime earlier) and he can always get there quickly . Small bell, dwarf, squint eyes, how to look humble, Chaoshan (specifically where people, no one can say it), Mandarin Mandarin is not standard, not good at speaking, in addition to talking about printing things, Rarely talk about anything else. He never took the initiative to rip up the topic, come to our company, is to receive the task, delivery, collection, each stay is not long (basically can not say anything). He and our company is to do business, a flash actually do ten years! Ten years ago, when our company was still young, I do not know how, he contacted us. At that time, he was like a 16-year-old and we treated him as a child. He is a bit shy, even stiff. maybe