May 9 is a great holiday for the people of Czechoslovakia. Eight years ago this day, under the command of the talented general Marshal Stalin, the Soviet army defeated Hitler’s bandits and liberated Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, and defused the Prague Uprising rebels who were fighting Hitler’s bandits in a critical situation In the rescue. From this historic day, the people of Czechoslovakia have forever escaped humiliation and oppression and firmly embarked on the road to building a truly Czech republic of the people. As we all know, before the Second World War, the regime of the Czechoslovak Republic belonged to the big bourgeoisie and the landlord. The then bourgeois politicians sing the so-called “democracy” and “independence.” However, the hypocrisy of “democracy” and “independence” is vividly manifested in the crimes against the working people who demand jobs, bread and freedom, and the brutal killing of Communists. It was manifested in the betrayal of the nation in October 1938 Munich event on the activities. In this incident, Czechoslovakia’s bourgeoisie and traitor failed to seduce their motherland under the threat of the Anglo-American imperialists and let the people fall under the bloody rule of German fascism. However, the working people in Czechoslovakia did not give in. The bandits occupied Hitler