1885年生于斯德克荷姆(Stokholm);1940年卒于同一城市 瑞典20世纪建筑家的代表,开始他从事绘画后改习建筑,就读于斯德克荷姆的皇家科学院(1905-9),后为 TenGBOM;westman 和 Ostberg 私人工作。他在瑞典和欧洲其它地区广泛云游,多次参加竞赛,因校园建筑于1912年,1913年两次获奖。1913年他因于1937年完工的高胜堡(G0fhenberg),大法院的扩展获一等奖。
Born in Stokholm in 1885; a representative of a 20th century Swedish architect who died in the same city in 1940, began his studies in painting and then studied architecture, and studied at the Royal Academy of Sciences in Steckholm (1905-9). , followed by TenGBOM; Westman and Ostberg work privately. He traveled extensively in Sweden and other parts of Europe and participated in many competitions, as the campus was built in 1912 and won two prizes in 1913. In 1913 he was awarded the first prize for the expansion of the Grand Court for the victory of Göfhenberg, completed in 1937.