1 病例报告患者,女,56岁。因下腹部肿物4个月,排便困难1月,于1996—03—15入院。查体:血压13.3/10.0kPa(100/75mmHg),脉搏88/min。体质消瘦。下腹部可触及儿头大的肿物,质地中等,不活动。妇科检查:外阴发育正常,宫颈萎缩,子宫触及不清,盆腔可触及12cm×10cm类囊实性肿物,表面光滑,不活动,无压痛。直肠指诊:直肠粘膜光滑、完整,前壁被突起肿物压迫,狭窄,无出血。CT示:在内探针指示下宫腔深11cm。B超示:子宫体不均匀,实质性肿物。临床诊断子宫内膜癌,肌层浸润。
1 case report patients, female, 56 years old. Due to lower abdominal mass 4 months, defecation difficulties in January, 1996-03-15 admission. Physical examination: blood pressure 13.3 / 10.0kPa (100 / 75mmHg), pulse 88 / min. Weight loss. The lower abdomen can reach the big head of the tumor, medium texture, inactive. Gynecological examination: normal vulva development, cervical atrophy, unclear uterine touching, pelvic palpable 12cm × 10cm class cystic tumor, the surface is smooth, inactive, no tenderness. Rectal examination: rectal mucosa is smooth and complete, oppression of the anterior wall by the protruding tumor, stenosis, no bleeding. CT showed: the probe under the direction of the uterine cavity 11cm deep. B ultrasound shows: uterine body is not uniform, substantial mass. Clinical diagnosis of endometrial cancer, muscle invasion.