
来源 :明日风尚 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang8550cimc
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由于风光摄影不仅涉及的内容相对较多,同时其在展现抒抉画面的过程中,也对人们的心灵产生了震撼,所以其受到了大多数摄影师的青睐。另外风光摄影中所运用的构图形式也产生摄影师充分表达风光美感最直接的手段。本文主要是就风光摄影中的构图技巧进行了分析和研究。 Because the landscape photography not only involves a relatively large amount of content, but also shocks people’s minds in the process of displaying the abstract images, it is favored by most photographers. In addition the composition of landscape photography used in the composition of the photographer also gave full expression beauty of the most direct means of scenery. This article mainly analyzes and studies composition techniques in landscape photography.