2006年5月10日至20日,河南省水产技术推广站引种育种中心的斑点叉尾养殖池中发生鱼病,经诊断为肠型败血症,经过治疗,很快控制了病情,现将治疗方法介绍如下:1鱼池基本情况发病池塘8.2亩,平均水深2米,放养鱼30000尾,发病时鱼规格约150 ̄300g/尾。初发病时,水质较肥,由于气温连续?
May 10, 2006 to 20, Henan Province, Fisheries Technology Extension Station introduced breeding center of Channel Catfish breeding fish disease, the diagnosis of enteric septicemia, after treatment, and quickly control the disease, now the treatment method Described as follows: 1 fish pond basic conditions 8.2 ponds, the average depth of 2 meters, fish 30,000, the incidence of fish about 150 ~ 300g / tail. The first incidence, the water more fat, due to continuous temperature?