随着改革开放的深入发展,湖南省的经济建设发生了很大变化。各类型开发区如雨后春笋布满三湘大地,截至1993年5月止,全省已建立各类开发区212个,其中国家级2个,省级58个。这些开发区从起步到现在只有三年多时间,但很快成为当地经济发展新的增长点,取得了令人鼓舞的成就。开发区经济的飞速发展,不得不引起我们对开发区档案工作的关注,在抓开发区档案工作实践中,他们摸索了以下几点作法。 一、加强领导,分级管理 开发区是近年来出现的新生事物,在建设上,它具有建设速度快、建设投资量大、面广、建设项目种类多、施工队伍庞杂等特点。开发区的这些特性使得
With the deepening of reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in the economic construction of Hunan Province. Various types of development zones have been springing up everywhere in Sanxiang. As of May 1993, the province has established 212 development zones of various types, including 2 at the state level and 58 at the provincial level. These development zones have only been in operation for more than three years from now, but they have quickly become a new growth point for the local economy and have achieved encouraging results. TEDA’s rapid economic development, have caused us to pay attention to the work of archives development zone, in the development zone archives work practice, they explored the following practices. First, to strengthen leadership and management at different levels In recent years, the development zone is a new-born thing. In its construction, it has the characteristics of fast construction, large investment in construction, wide range of construction projects, numerous construction projects and complex construction teams. These characteristics of the development zone make it