我保存有先父王任叔(巴人)写给马兖生同志的系列书信四十余件。这些书信写于1953年6月到1954年2月期间。此时期,巴人卸任中国驻印尼大使之职在外交部政策委员会工作,马兖生同志在朝鲜战场志愿军部队工作。巴人在这些信件中表达了他要求重返文艺工作岗位和计划进行文学创作的强烈愿望。在征得马兖生同志的同意后,我挑选了二十五封书信,从中摘录有关调动工作、文学写作、读书心得、人生感受等方面的内容,按时序汇编。希望这组书信能为读者提供一份真实的,有价值的巴人研究资料。 为了节省篇幅,每封信只标明写信日期,省略了信头称呼和信尾具名。对个别问题,我在信后作了简短说明。 王克平 2001年3月18
I have kept over forty letters from a series of letters written by Comrade Ma Yansheng to his father, Ren Shu (the Palestinian people). These letters were written between June 1953 and February 1954. During this period, the Pakistani people took over the job of ambassador to Indonesia in the Policy Committee of the Foreign Ministry, and Comrade Ma Yansheng worked for the volunteer army of the Korean War Field. In these letters, Palestinians expressed his strong desire to return to literature and art work and to plan for literary creation. After obtaining the consent of Comrade Ma Yansheng, I selected 25 letters and excerpts of the contents of the transfer work, literature writing, reading experience, life experience and so on, according to the time series compilation. Hope this group of letters can provide readers with a true, valuable research data. In order to save space, each letter only indicate the date of writing, omission letterhead name and letter tail name. On individual issues, I made a brief statement after the letter. Wang Keping March 18, 2001