修文,因一代哲人王阳明谪居悟道而闻名遐迩享誉中外的龙场古驿,地处黔中腹地,县城紧邻省垣,为黔北线上首道门户,1071平方公里的土地上居住着汉、苗、布依、彝等22个民族30万人民。拥有优越的区位、丰富的矿藏、畅达的交通、便捷的通讯、迷人的风光,得天独厚的资源,优越的区位、安宁的社会、优惠的政策等多方优势吸引着许多有识之士。 修文县旅游资源丰富、多姿多彩,已成为贵州北线旅游的第一站。境内山川秀美、风光旖旎,自然风光、人文景观融合一体,交相辉映,既有深厚的历史文化内蕴,又有极高的观赏价值。其间有以明代大思想家王阳明
Xiuwen, known as a generation of philosophers Wang Yangming enlightenment enlightenment known far and near Longchang Ancient Station, located in the hinterland of Guizhou, the county seat next to the provincial wall, as the first gateway to the northern part of Guizhou, 1071 square kilometers of land live in Han, Miao, Buyi, Yi and other 22 ethnic groups of 300,000 people. With its superior location, rich mineral resources, accessible transportation, convenient communication, charming scenery, unique resources, superior location, peaceful society and preferential policies, it attracts many people of insight. Xiuwen County rich in tourism resources, colorful, has become the first leg of the northern line of tourism in Guizhou. The beautiful scenery in the territory, beautiful scenery, natural scenery, cultural landscape integration, add radiance to each other, both the profound historical and cultural connotation, but also a very high ornamental value. In the meantime there was a big thinker in the Ming Dynasty Wang Yangming