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周恩来总理离开我们已经37年了,他是一个从不希望为自己竖立纪念碑的人,然而,全党和全国人民对他的缅怀敬仰之情,历久弥深,在心中为他树起了永远的丰碑。为什么人民会在心中为他树起丰碑?为什么周恩来总理会在人民心目中有如此巨大强烈的感召力?究其原因,是周恩来总理具有伟大的人格、高 Premier Chou En-lai has been away from us for 37 years. He was a man who never wanted to erect a monument for himself. However, the respect and respect cherished by his party and the people throughout the country lasted for a long time and he was forever erected in his mind monument. Why does the people cherish a monument for him in the heart? Why Premier Zhou Enlai will have such a huge and strong appeal in the minds of the people? The reason is that Premier Zhou Enlai has great personality and high