透明质酸的分布和化学组成透明质酸(Hyaluronic acid简称H.A)是1934 Meyer从牛眼玻璃体中分离而得的一种化合物,与硫酸软骨素、肝素等近似属粘多糖类化合物。在生物组织中,粘多糖几乎均与蛋白质相结合成糖蛋白。这些粘多糖具有相当大的多糖链,且此链含有重复性的双糖单位。Hyaluronicacid大量地分布于哺乳动物的某些组织中,如眼睛玻璃体、脐带、鸡冠、皮肤、韧带、关节液、鲨鱼皮、鲸鱼软骨……,在某些微生物中也存在。
Hyaluronic acid distribution and chemical composition Hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronic acid referred to as H. A) is 1934 Meyer isolated from the bovine vitreous and derived from a compound, and chondroitin sulfate, heparin and other similar mucopolysaccharide compounds. In biological tissues, mucopolysaccharides bind almost exclusively to proteins as glycoproteins. These mucopolysaccharides have a fairly large polysaccharide chain, and this chain contains repetitive disaccharide units. Hyaluronicacids are abundantly distributed in certain mammalian tissues such as the vitreous, umbilical cord, crest, skin, ligaments, synovial fluid, shark skin, whale cartilage ... and are also present in some microorganisms.