70年代以来,我院通过多种途径,先后引进63个国家的小麦品种8000余份,在以产量性状为主要选择指标的前提下,兼顾适应性,抗病性和抗逆性(耐湿和抗寒),采取多种鉴定方法,筛选出一批具有一定特点的亲本资源,提供给全国200多个科研单位和农业院校作亲本利用。通过许多小麦育种单位的资料反馈获悉,江苏省农科院提供的外引亲本,得到了有效利用。其中的UP301、Alondra“s”和农林46等3个品种,被确认为优良亲本资源,在小麦育种的亲本组配中,获得了良好效果。 (一)优良亲本资源评述
Since the 1970s, our institute has introduced more than 8,000 wheat varieties in 63 countries through a variety of channels. Under the premise of yield traits as the main selection index, we have taken into account adaptability, disease resistance and resistance (moisture and resistance Cold), adopt a variety of identification methods, screening out a number of parents with certain characteristics of resources to provide the country more than 200 research institutes and agricultural colleges as parents to use. It has been learned from the feedback from many wheat breeding units that the cited parents provided by Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences have been effectively utilized. Among them, UP301, Alondra “s” and Agro-forestry 46 were identified as excellent parental resources, which achieved good results in parental breeding of wheat breeding. (A) excellent parental resources review