南京市白下区30所小学、幼儿园和职工业余学校的近七百名的教职员工,暑期里以无比的社会主义建设热情和冲天的革命干劲,热烈地投入全市工业高产运动,掀起了炼铁炼钢热潮。到目前为止,他们已经建立了小高炉34个,其中0. 25立方公尺的两个小高炉从七月三十日出第一炉铁起到八日三十日止,已连续出铁2400斤,在全区文教系统中光荣地夺得了冠军。九月三日在南京市工业高产运动誓师大会上,又获得了单项优胜红旗的奖励。南京市鼓楼区小教教工,在党的教育和鼓舞下,到9月3日为止,
Nearly 700 faculty members from 30 primary schools, kindergartens and amateur schools in Baixia District of Nanjing City were enthusiastically devoted to the industrial high-yielding industry in the summer with immense enthusiasm for development in socialism and enthusiasm for the rapid development of the iron and steel industry Steel craze. So far, they have set up 34 small blast furnaces, of which two small blast furnaces of 0.25 cubic meters have been out of the first furnace on July 30 until the 30th of August. Kg, won the championship proudly in the culture and education system throughout the region. On September 3, at the swearing-in ceremony of the industrial high-yielding sports in Nanjing, the individual won the red flag again. Gulou District of Nanjing, a small religious workers, education and encouragement in the party until September 3,