In the process of embryo cultivation, the need for proinflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines balance, in order to ensure the successful establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Endometritis or subclinical endometrial infection destroys the balance between the various factors to form a cell and embryo toxic endometrial microenvironment, is not conducive to sperm survival and embryo implantation; pathogens causing inflammation can also be stimulated The body’s immune response, resulting in a large number of sensitized activated cells and a variety of cytokines, inflammatory cells, killing and phagocytosis of sperm; immune antibodies can interfere with normal embryo and endometrial tissue compatibility, affecting embryo implantation and embryo Development; leading to failed embryo implantation, spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Clinic should pay attention and active treatment to improve the pregnancy rate of IVF-ET.