
来源 :燃料化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjdrm225411
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为了研究氧化对煤样萃取性能的影响,先将大同煤破碎到200目并在105℃干燥,然后在温和条件下用双氧水进行氧化。将原煤和氧化煤在超声辐射下用甲醇 四氢呋喃(THF)混合溶剂进行萃取,并用GC MS进行分析测定。结果发现,在两种甲醇 THF配比下,氧化煤的萃取率均高于原煤;而且随着萃取剂中THF浓度的提高,萃取率增大;从GC MS测定结果看,四种萃取物的组成各不相同,显示氧化和萃取剂中THF含量的变化均能改变萃取物的化学组成,但四种萃取物中检测出的化合物均以烃类为主。另外,煤粉通过与萃取物和溶剂形成胶体而悬浮于上层清夜中,因此,超声条件下对煤进行萃取时必须过滤。 In order to study the effect of oxidation on the extraction performance of coal samples, Datong coal was first crushed to 200 mesh and dried at 105 ℃, then oxidized with hydrogen peroxide under mild conditions. Raw coal and coal oxide were extracted under ultrasonic irradiation with a mixed solvent of methanol and tetrahydrofuran, and analyzed by GC MS. The results showed that the extraction rate of coal oxide was higher than that of coal in the presence of two kinds of methanol with THF, and the extraction rate increased with the increase of THF concentration. From the result of GC MS, The results show that the chemical composition of the extract changes with the changes of the contents of THF in the extractants and the extractants. However, all the compounds detected in the four extracts are dominated by hydrocarbons. In addition, pulverized coal is suspended in the supernatant by forming colloids with the extract and the solvent, so coal must be filtered under ultrasonic conditions.
摘 要  本文阐述了在实际教学中,如何教育学生,有一定的体会。  【关键词】教育;效果  案例背景:范XX,女,高三学生,性格内性,沉默寡言,学习刻苦。读初中时是一个成绩非常好的学生,每次考试基本上名列前茅。可是中考考得并不太理想,但还是勉强考上了我们这所重点高中。  上了高中后刻苦学习,高二最好名次曾考过年级前五十名,升入高三后说话更少了,每天只要看到她的时候,除了学习还是学习,高三两次考试,她
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患男,5岁,1990年9月14日因口腔溃疡家人用2%龙胆紫涂之,不慎误入左眼,哭喊眼痛而来急诊。 Suffering from male, 5 years old, September 14, 1990 due to oral ulcer fami
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