今年11月在突尼斯举行的信息社会全球峰会(简称 WSIS)上,各国就互联网管理问题进行了激烈的讨论。很 多政府机构(包括欧盟)呼吁建立政府间国际机构,削弱 美国Internet名称和号码分配机构(ICANN)的作用。针 对联合国将“接管、管理或者控制Internet”的传闻,联合 国秘书长安南在《华盛顿邮报》上发表了自己的意见,表 明联合国无意接管互联网。
At the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) held in Tunis in November this year, various countries conducted heated discussions on Internet governance. Many government agencies, including the EU, have called for the establishment of intergovernmental international agencies that undermine the role of the U.S. Internet Name and Numbers Authority (ICANN). In response to rumors that the United Nations will “take over, manage or control the Internet,” UN Secretary General Annan has expressed his opinion in the Washington Post that the United Nations has no intention of taking over the Internet.