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在近年来全国“两会”代表、委员的议案和提案中,人才问题日益成为焦点。几年来,我们紧密结合预备役部队建设实际,积极探索预备役部队人才队伍建设的特点和规律,打破传统的编组模式,狠抓人才队伍建设,使一大批高学历、高素质人才走上了保障‘打赢“的前台,为预备役部队实现跨越式发展注入了生机和活力。强认识,把人才队伍建设作为政治工作的重要内容。军委江主席指出:”一个网络专家胜过千军万马。“当代世界军事领域的竞争,是人才的竞争。迎接世界新军事变革挑战,推进中国特色军事变革,实现预备役部队跨越式发展,必须有一大批人才作支撑。5年来,我们坚持把人才队伍建设作为政治工作的重要内容。从全面贯彻”三个代表“重要思想的高度,充分认识人才队伍建设的重大战略意义,以时不我待的紧迫感抓紧抓好。首先是进一步解放 In recent years the national ”two sessions“ representatives and members of the motion and proposal, the issue of personnel has become the focus of attention. In recent years, in line with the reality of the construction of the reserve forces, we have actively explored the characteristics and laws of the contingent of reserve personnel in the reserve army, broke the traditional pattern of formation and paid close attention to the building of a contingent of qualified personnel so that a large number of highly educated and highly qualified personnel have embarked on the course of ensuring ’ Winning ”the front desk, injecting vitality and vitality into the leapfrog development of the reserve forces, and recognizing and building the contingent of qualified personnel as an important part of political work. Chairman Jiang of the Central Military Commission pointed out:“ A network expert is more powerful than any other army. ” In the field of military affairs in the contemporary world, there is a large number of qualified personnel for supporting the world’s new military reform, pushing forward the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics and achieving the leapfrog development of the reserve forces. In the past five years, we insisted on building a contingent of qualified personnel As an important part of political work, from the perspective of fully implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we should fully understand the great strategic significance of building a contingent of professionals and pay close attention to the sense of urgency that we are not waiting for. The first is to further liberate
2007年,新造船市场延续了2006年船市行情,表现活跃,船价显示出向上的趋势。从一季度来看,新造船市场散货船表现突出,替代油船成为明星船型。 In 2007, the newbuilding mark
1993年国庆前夕,北京中国人民革命军事博物馆盛况空前,“1978—1993年中国报刊业发展成就博览会”在这里隆重开幕。 本次博览会规模宏大,荟萃3500多种报刊,是全国公开发行的