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国家统计局新闻发言人叶震日前称,今年上半年夏粮再获丰收,工业生产稳定增长,投资、消费、出口增长适度,市场物价稳定,城乡居民收入继续增加。“稳中求进”的宏观经济政策取得了积极成效。 据初步测算,上半年国内生产总值33180亿元,按可比价格计算比去年同期增长9.5%。其中:第一产业增长5%,第二产业增长11.1%,第三产业增长8.3%。 叶震用翔实的数据证明了以上观点: ——今年以来我国政府继续加大对农业的投入,加快粮食的收储和调运,保护了农民种粮积极性,科技成果进一步推广,良种面积继续扩大,加上气候条件适宜,夏粮大幅度增 Ye Zhen, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics, said recently that in the first half of this year, the summer grain harvest had been bounded again and the industrial production grew steadily. The investment, consumption and export grew modestly, the market price remained stable, and the incomes of urban and rural residents continued to increase. The macroeconomic policy of “making progress while maintaining stability” has achieved positive results. According to preliminary estimates, the gross domestic product in the first half of this year was 3,381 billion yuan, up 9.5% over the same period of last year at comparable prices. Among them: the primary industry increased by 5%, the secondary industry increased by 11.1%, the tertiary industry increased by 8.3%. With the full data of Ye Zhen, these facts prove that: - Since the beginning of this year, the government of our country has continued to increase investment in agriculture, accelerated the collection, storage and transportation of grain, protected farmers’ enthusiasm for planting grain, further promoted scientific and technological achievements, continued to expand the area of ​​fine varieties, With suitable climatic conditions, summer grain increased significantly
(一) 新中国成立以来,中华武术的地位起了翻天覆地的变化。虽也有刮风下雨的时候,但仍然是发展的、向上的。当时把武术归属于国家体委管辖,作为一个体育项目来开展,也是无可
陆梦禹报道:内蒙古自治区第五届铸造年会于1987年10月21日至25日在呼和浩特市召开。大会交流论文11篇,有炉外精炼, Lu Mengyu Report: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region F
LAˇUTEMAVORTAROESPERANTOANGLA^CINAEsperantoEnglishChineseClasifiedTerms世英汉分类词汇^CefredaktisRüdigerEichholz(加拿大)R艾科尔兹主编tra... LAUTEMAVORTAROESPERANTO  ANGLA  CINAEsperanto  EnglishChineseClasifiedTerms World English Classificat
国务院发展研究中心近期提供的一份调查研究报告显示,近几年我国的消费品市场已经发生了质的变化,受宏观经济环境和宏观经济政策的影响,今年我国居民消费将略有增长。 消费
党风廉政教育是抓好党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的一项基础性工作,也是推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设的重要内容。党的群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,作为主抓党风廉政建设的纪委书记,我一直在思考如何把践行党的群众路线与促进党员干部廉洁自律、勤政为民有机结合起来,通过一种廉政教育方式让党员干部主动、自觉地联系群众,了解民情,牢记宗旨,永不忘本。   萦绕在心中的思绪。回想起来,我任职自治区广电局副局长期间,曾分
三星电子表示,已领先研发出以50nm工艺打造的1Gb DRAM技术,预定将自2008年第一季起推出此类DRAM产品。三星预估,2008年50nm等级DRAM市场规模将达50亿美元,2011年则可望成长至