通过六年田间定位试验 ,结果表明 ,中性紫色土以无机磷为主占全磷 83 .7± 3 .6 % ,其中Ca10-P 5 4.2 %、O -P 2 7.0 %、Al-P 6 .4%、Fe -P 5 .7%、Ca8-P 4.2 %、Ca2 -P 1.5 %。每年施用 15 0kg/hm2 化学磷肥 (P2 O5) ,各级无机磷均有积累 ,增加 :Ca2 -P 145 .9%、O -P 6 7.2 %、Al-P 49.8%、Fe -P 42 .6 %、Ca8-P30 .1%、Ca10 -P 5 % ,且以化学磷肥的作用显著。中性紫色土不能仅施氮肥或单施有机肥 ,必须加施化学磷肥。Ca2 -P有效性最高 ,Ca10 -P最低 ,有效性大小 :Ca2 -P >Al-P >Fe -P、Ca8-P >0 -P >Ca10 -P。
After six years of field experiment, the results show that the inorganic purple phosphorus mainly accounts for 83.7 ± 3.6% of the total phosphorus, of which Ca10-P 5 4.2%, O-P 2 7.0%, Al-P 6 .4%, Fe-P 5 .7%, Ca8-P 4.2%, Ca2-P 1.5%. The annual application of 150kg / hm2 chemical phosphorus fertilizer (P2 O5) accumulated inorganic phosphorus at all levels, increasing Ca2-P 145.9%, O-P 6 7.2%, Al-P 49.8% and Fe-P 42.6 %, Ca8-P30 .1%, Ca10-P 5%, and the role of chemical phosphate significant. Neutral purple soil can not only apply nitrogen fertilizer or organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer must be applied. Ca2-P was the most effective, Ca10-P was the lowest, and the effective size was Ca2-P> Al-P> Fe-P and Ca8-P> 0-P> Ca10-P.