
来源 :现代妇女(下旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaxiaoli00
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自建国以来,我国的体育事业得到了快速的发展。我国体育的法制建设前后经历了萌芽时期、提升时期、停滞时期和大发展时期。经历了这六十年的发展,我国的体育事业在法制建设上逐步得到完善。具体体现在体育的法学研究能力不断地提升,建立了管理体育事业的法律手段。改革开放以后,我国体育相关的法律越来越完善和健全。立法机关不断完善已有法律,严格立法程序,加大执法力度,逐步形成了适应市场经济的体育法制体系。鉴于国家不断加大体育法律建设,全国的各省市也在根据自己本省的实际情况完善着相关的法律条例。但受到南北方地域差异以及经济发展水平的影响,各省份的体育法律各不相同,有的省市比较系统,有的就比较详细。文中以河南和广东两个省份为例进行了简单的比较。 Since the founding of our country, our country’s sports have developed rapidly. Before and after the legal system construction of sports in our country, it experienced the embryonic period, the promotion period, the stagnation period and the great development period. After 60 years of development, the sports cause in our country has been gradually improved on the legal system construction. Specifically reflected in the sports law research capabilities continue to improve, established the legal means of management of sports. After the reform and opening up, China’s sports-related laws are more and more perfect and sound. The legislature continuously perfected the existing laws, strictly implemented the legislative procedures and intensified law enforcement, and gradually formed a sports legal system adapted to the market economy. In view of the fact that the state has continuously increased the construction of sports law, all the provinces and cities in the country have also perfected the relevant laws and regulations in accordance with the actual conditions in their own province. However, due to the differences between the north and the south as well as the level of economic development, sports laws vary from province to province, and some provinces and cities are relatively systematic and some are more detailed. The article makes a simple comparison between Henan and Guangdong provinces.
微课程作为一种新型教学资源,是对传统教学方式的有益补充。本文以“法定继承”微课教学为例,探讨了本人在实际微课教学中对微课程的理解和存在的问题。 Micro-curriculum a
改革开放之后,我国市场经济发展快速,因此关于社会主义市场经济的法律制度也应该不断地建立和完善,创造良好的法律环境,以适应社会主义市场经济的发展。 After the reform a