4. If Hitchcock, Wheeler, Pricestone, Orson Welles, Curtis, and Hughes are chosen as directors in the 1940s Discussion, such a choice is obviously arbitrary. Because many other good directors continued to direct this period, and some of the fifties of the outstanding directors, then has begun to emerge. However, after all, they are, after all, some of the important directors of this period. If we must make clear the criteria for selection, then it should be said that at that time Hollywood viewers, film critics and box office receipts made it clear that they were the most attractive Eye-catching director. Hitchcock, who came to Hollywood in 1940, created two famous films in the United States, Rebecca (“Butterfly Dream”) and “Foreign Journalists.” As a “masterpiece of suspense”, his creation has developed along two roads. The first path is full of passion and mysterious spy life. In the 1940s, such films were “saboteurs” (1942) and “notorious” (1946); Hitchcock’s later spy films were After grasping the means of film performance, the most clever combination of sexual desire, suspense and humor. The second path is to melt the mysterious and psychological exploration of murder into one, including “Doubt” (1941) and “stranger on the train” (1951). The former film depicts a small town in California, where the weirdly complicated murderer has a nephew who has “an incest complex.” The latter film shows an evil, enchanted and mentally ill villain who plans A