The crystal structure of two ZSM-5 zeolites was investigated by x-ray powder diffraction. Both of them belong to Pnma space group. The unit cell parameters are as follows: 5001-a = 20.118 (?), B = 19.923 ?, c = 13.410 ?; 5020-a = 20.048 ?, b = 19.884? ), c = 13.352 (?). The basic structure and morphology of the two are similar, but compared with 5001, 5020 has larger “stress” in the skeleton structure and is therefore more vulnerable to damage. The diameters of the openings of the two samples are: 5001-sinusoidal channel 5.080 -5.650 (?), An average of 5.367 (?), A straight channel of 5.207-5.390 (?), An average of 5.307 ?, a 5020-sinusoidal channel of 5.111-5.655 ?, an average of 5.368 ?, a straight channel of 4.993-5.404 (?), An average of 5.226 (?). Both the size and shape of the sinusoidal channel opening are very close, but the size and shape of the straight channel opening have some differences. The structural difference of the channel is a reason that can not be ignored.