
来源 :杜甫研究学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abubob
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杜甫人格精神博大精深,包容宏富,是在继承中华各民族文化优良传统和汲取人类文化遗产的基础上汇聚积淀而成。杜甫深受儒家思想影响,同时也与唐朝开放宽容的时代心理与观念相联系。本文拟对杜甫与多民族关系,包括其基本民族意识及其具体表现,以及杜甫精神对包括各民族在内的中华文化之影响等进行系列探讨。本文主要论述杜甫之民族观,从三个方面予以分析:1、主张各民族友好交往,和睦相处;2、希望天下和平,永无战争;3、强调以德服人,攻心为上,反对大兴杀伐,伤害生灵等。由此看出其对待民族关系的基本态度。 Du Fu profound and profound personality and spirit, inclusive macro-rich, is inherited from the fine traditions of all ethnic groups in China and draw on human cultural heritage based on the accumulation of accumulation. Du Fu was deeply influenced by Confucianism and also linked with the tolerant psychology and concepts of the Tang Dynasty. This article intends to conduct a series of discussions on Du Fu’s relations with the multi-ethnic groups, including their basic national consciousness and their specific performance as well as the influence of Du Fu on the Chinese culture including all ethnic groups. This article mainly discusses Du Fu’s national view and analyzes from three aspects: 1. Advocates all ethnic groups to have friendly exchanges and live in harmony; 2. Hopes peace in the world and no war; 3. Emphasizes moral perseverance, Kill, hurt the creatures and so on. From this, we can see its basic attitude toward ethnic relations.