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欲研究《金瓶梅》中的“反切”语,不能不对“反切”流变史予以回顾。语言学界推求“反切”之起,认定是三国魏孙炎所创,这是个误解,诸家所据北齐颜之推《颜氏家训·音辞篇》“孙叔言(然)创《尔雅音义》,是汉末人独知反语;至于魏世,此事大行。”颜氏所指明确,孙炎所创为《尔雅音义》之书,用以证明汉末之人知反语。人,当然是众人的民众;无法确指谁是首创,庸众难于进入载籍。载籍所录反语只是作为花絮趣闻,如《三国志·诸葛恪传》“童谣曰:……于何相求?‘成子阁’,‘成子阁’者反语‘石子岗’也。”北魏郦道元《水经注·河水四》“民有姓刘名堕者,宿抎工酿……排于‘桑洛’之辰,故酒得其名矣。……‘索朗’反语为‘桑洛’也”(林序达《反切概说》四川人民社82年版)。可资注意的是,反语的主人是“童谣曰”,是“民”对酒工刘某的称扬,反语应是来自民间,产生于民众的口头。鲁迅先生所说的“人猿揖别”语言伊始的“杭育杭育”,依反切律是为“嘿嘿”派。反切与其他语言同样是民众所创造,又为民众长期所运用,反切始终保持着俗文化形态而积久未变,也可以反证它的来自民间的群众性,此点为《金瓶梅词话》宏扬。后面详论。 To study the “anti-cut” in “Jin Ping Mei”, we can not but to review the history of “anti-cut”. It is a misunderstanding that the linguistics circles devised “anti-tangent” since the founding of the “anti-tangent”. This is a misunderstanding. According to “ In the late Han Dynasty, people were only aware of the irony; as for Wei Shi, the matter was a big one. ”Yan clearly pointed out that Sun Yan was the book entitled“ Aya Yinyin ”, which is used to prove that people in the late Han dynasty knew irony. People, of course, are the people of all; can not be sure of who is the first, difficult to enter the jungle Yongzong Ji. The recorded irony is only recorded as trivial anecdote, such as “Three Kingdoms Zhuge Ke Chuan” “rhyme said:” In what phase? ’Into the House,’ into the House ’irony’ Stone Hill ’ Water by the river · “Four” people have surnamed Liu who fell to the ground, brewed brewing house ... ... ranked in ’Sang Luo’ of the eternity, so the name of the wine carries on .... ... ’Sollan’ irony as ’Sang Luo’ also (Lin Sunda “anti-cut outline” Sichuan People’s Association 82 years edition). It is noteworthy that the owner of the irony is “nursery rhyme said,” is the “people” praise Liu workers wine, irony should come from the private, produced in the mouth of the people. What Lu Xun calls “Hanging, Hanging and Hanging” at the beginning of the language of “Apes without People” is sent according to the anti-incitement law to “Hey”. Counter-cutting is the same as that of other languages ​​created by the people and used by the people for a long time. The anti-cut has always maintained the popular culture and has not changed for a long time. It can also prove its mass nature from the people. Behind the details.
平房建筑勒脚“盐碱化”侵蚀,主要原因有以下几点: (1)以往建筑基础外勒脚基本上是按常规做法施工(图1),在勒脚的±0.00处只做一道防潮层,这种做法不能防止特殊条件下勒脚“
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苏小小墓 李贺 幽兰露, 如啼眼。 无物结同心, 烟花不堪剪。 草如茵, 松如盖, 风为裳, 水为珮。 油壁车, 夕相待。 冷翠烛, 劳光彩。 西陵下, 风吹雨。 苏小小为南齐时钱塘名