电影,有很多种功能,其中之一就是赚钱。要想让无数的观众心甘情愿把自己送到一个黑咕隆咚的叫“电影院”的大屋子里不是件容易的事情,更何况还得要他们付出不菲的票价。这个时候,如何让电影有号召力(也就是赚更多的钱)实在是件叫人头疼的事情。显然,今日的电影已经越来越多地将特效做为提高水准。拉升人气的主要手段。“特效”是个缩写,全称是“特殊效果”。正确理解这四个字是继续看下去的一个前提。这意味着:我们所谈论的并不仅仅是电脑干的那些活。类似于吊钢丝——哦,多么古老的行当——也是我们评价的一部分。乔治·卢卡斯老爷子当年做《星球大战》的时候,痛感彼时的科技手段不能实现他心中的梦想,于是成立工业光魔公司——Industrial Light & Magic(ILM)——自己捣鼓起来。于是,今日已然长大的我们和新成长起来的一代,坐在标准的数码影院看着他自青年时就有的梦想——描绘虚无的历史。然
Movie, there are many kinds of functions, one of which is to make money. It would not be easy for millions of viewers to send themselves to a gigantic “movie theater” big room, not to mention having to pay a fair price for them. At this time, how to make the movie charismatic (that is, make more money) is a real headache. Obviously, today's movies are increasingly using special effects as an enhancement. Pull up the popularity of the main means. “Special effects” is an abbreviation, the full name is “special effects.” Correct understanding of these four words is a precondition to continue reading. This means that: We are talking about more than just computer-dried ones. Similar to hanging wires - oh, how old is it - and part of our review. When George Lucas's “Star Wars” was a year of “Star Wars,” he felt that the technological means of pain were not fulfilling his dreams. Therefore Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), an industrial light and magic company, set himself up. As a result, we and the newly-growing generation, who have grown up today, sit in standard digital cinema and look at the dream he had had since his youth - depicting the history of nothingness. Of course