以往在新操作系统即将上市之前,电脑厂商会向购买新电脑的用户承诺在该新操作系统正式发布后可以免费升级,但即将推出的Windows XP却无法让电脑厂商作出同样的承诺。 一旦微软在10月25日正式发布XP,新近购买PC的用户还得花25-30美元来购买XP的拷贝。
In the past before the new operating system was released, computer makers promised to buy a new computer for a free upgrade after the new operating system was officially released, but the upcoming Windows XP will not allow computer makers to make the same commitment. Once Microsoft officially released XP on October 25, the recent purchase of PC users have to spend 25-30 US dollars to buy a copy of XP.