问:哪些人可以在中国银行开立外币存款帐户? 答:居住在国外或港澳地区的外国人、外籍华人和港澳台同胞短期来华者,以及居住在中国境内的驻华使领馆外籍人员、驻华代表机构外籍人员、外籍科技人员、记者、学生、专家、海员、留学生、实习生等以及按国家规定允许将外汇留存个人的国内居民,均可以本人名义,在中国银行开立外币存款帐户.
Q: Who can open a foreign currency deposit account with the Bank of China? A: Foreigners, foreigners living in Hong Kong, Maucao and Hong Kong, Maucao or compatriots living in Hong Kong, Maucao and overseas Chinese embassies in China living in China , Foreign residents, foreign scientists and technicians, journalists, students, experts, seafarers, students and interns in China’s representative offices, as well as domestic residents who are permitted to keep their foreign exchange in accordance with state regulations may open foreign currency deposits in the name of the Bank of China account.