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奉贤区的企业产权制度改革工作坚持以党的十五大、十五届四中全会精神和江泽民总书记“三个代表”重要思想为指导,按照“三个有利于”标准,以建立和完善出资人制度和有限公司制度为基础,以建立和健全法人财产制度和法人治理结构为重点,不断深化和完善企业产权制度改革。至2001年底,全区镇村两级企业已改制1300家,占改制面的98%,区属企业已改制150家,占改制面的45%。通过深化企业产权制度改革,转换经营机制,取得了明显成效。其一,通过改制促进了人们思想观念的转变,人们对企业改制的积极性有了很大提高;其二,通过改制,摸清了家底,明晰了产权,确立了投资主体,促进进了企业产权的合理流动和优化组合;其三,通过改制明确了市场主体的权责,也落实了经济责任主体, The reform of enterprise property rights system in Fengxian District has been guided by the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Jiang Zemin's important thinking on “three represents,” and in accordance with the “three favorable” standards, Based on the establishment and improvement of investor system and limited company system, with emphasis on establishing and improving corporate property system and corporate governance structure, we will continue to deepen and perfect the reform of property right system. By the end of 2001, 1,300 enterprises at both the township and village levels had been restructured in the region, accounting for 98% of the restructured ones, and 150 of them were restructured by enterprises in the districts, accounting for 45% of the restructured ones. By deepening the reform of the enterprise property right system and transforming the operating mechanism, remarkable results have been achieved. First, it has promoted the transformation of people's ideas and concepts through the restructuring, and people have greatly raised their enthusiasm for the restructuring of enterprises. Second, through restructuring, they have ascertained the real estate, clarified property rights, established investors and promoted the ownership of enterprises The rational flow and optimize the combination; Third, through the restructuring made clear the rights and obligations of market participants, but also the implementation of the main economic responsibility,
剧情片段三:贝瑟妮和朋友们一起去冲浪,没想到遇到鲨鱼的袭击,被咬掉了左臂。她凭借顽强的毅力游回岸边,但因失血过多在医院陷入昏迷。醒来后,坚强的贝瑟妮反而安慰父亲不要哭泣。医生对她的父母说,She is a living miracle……  精彩对白  Doctor: Doctor Rovinsky, we need this room stay! It’s a teenage girl from
中国职业经理人资格认证(Chinese Professional Manager,简称“CPM”)是由国家发改委主管、国家民政部批准的中国人力资源开发研究(批准文号:社证字第3700号)建立的资格认证