今年元宵节前夕的2月19日晚,香港 屯门内河码头发生了一起离奇劫案。据香 港媒体报道:5名计划周详的海盗,深应乘 船如入无人之境,直闯屯门海面,摸黑潜 登载有贷柜的趸船。5海盗分头行动,先 将船上电源截断,再将看更杀个措手不 及。海盗操作吊机只花了20分钟,将7个 载有各式各样货物的货柜运走,神不知鬼 不觉乘船离开。香港媒体说,劫匪出动吊 机将货柜整个搬走,罕有所闻。 更让人拍案的是,这宗奇案当晚就被 广州海关缉私警察破获……
On the evening of February 19 this year, on the eve of the Lantern Festival, a bizarre robbery took place at the river pier in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong media reports: The five well-planned pirates should ride deep into Tuen Mun sea and stealthily dig into barges carrying barges. 5 pirates split action, the first cut off the power of the ship, then look more to kill a surprise. It took only 20 minutes for the pirate to operate the crane, leaving seven containers loaded with various types of cargo to leave without any knowledge of the ship. Hong Kong media said the robbers dispatched cranes to move the entire container away from the rare smell. Even more patting is that this case was cracked Guangzhou Customs anti-smuggling police cracked ... ...