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语言哲学的范式转向是对语言的聚焦、透视和反思,是人类认识能力深化的结果,也是语言哲学自身发展的一个必然阶段。然而,西方哲学从传统本体哲学转向现代语言哲学既是哲学发展的需要,同时也是哲学对人本质深化研究的需要。语言作为构建世界的基石,语言转向在本质上是转向话语分析。对西方哲学语言转向进行尝试性的梳理,透析其转向发生的原因,并分析其结构的存在样态,可以构建语言哲学的生态系统,能为当代和谐社会的构建提供理路。 The paradigm shift of language philosophy is the focus, perspective and reflection on language, which is the result of deepening human’s cognitive ability and an inevitable stage of the development of language philosophy itself. However, the shift of western philosophy from traditional ontology philosophy to modern language philosophy is not only the need of philosophical development, but also the need of philosophy to deepen the study of human nature. Language as the cornerstone of building the world, the language shift is essentially turned to discourse analysis. It tries to sort out the philosophical shift in western philosophy, analyzes the reasons for its turn, and analyzes the existing patterns of its structure so that it can construct the ecosystem of language philosophy and provide a theoretical basis for the construction of contemporary harmonious society.
患者男,54岁.全身乏力3个月,胸闷、活动气短1个月,胸部X线及CT检查发现右肺门及前纵隔有一14 cm×12 cm大小,境界尚清,边缘有分叶,密度欠均匀的软组织肿块影,提示胸腺肿瘤.2003年12月12日入院.体格检查:贫血面貌,皮肤及黏膜无出血点,表浅淋巴结不肿大,肝脾未及.心电图正常.肺功能正常.腹部B超检查肝脾不肿大。