加强班组建设 培育班组品牌

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2014年7月8日,大连机场召开了“红旗班组”评选展示会。会上,13个基层班组精彩地展示了各自的班组建设成果。我作为集团公司的董事长出席了这次会议。参加评选的班组从不同的角度反映机场系统性的班组工作和一线职工整体工作状态,让我印象很深,收获很大。这次“红旗班组”评选会,让我有感而发,对班组建设形成了几点体会。第一点体会,一个城市需要有品牌,一个企业需要创造品牌。放眼世界,每一座现代化的城市,都有与它的身份与价值相匹配的城市品牌。同样,每一 On July 8, 2014, Dalian Airport held a “Red Flag Team” selection exhibition. At the meeting, 13 grass-roots team demonstrated their team’s achievements. I attended the meeting as the chairman of the group company. To participate in the selection of the team from different angles to reflect the systematic team work at the airport and the overall work status of front-line workers, let me deeply impressed, a great success. The “Red Flag team ” selection, let me have the feeling, the team formed a few experiences. The first point of experience, a city needs a brand, a business needs to create a brand. Looking around the world, every modern city has a city brand that matches its identity and value. Again, each one