
来源 :江西医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Matousec
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甲状腺功能的测定,随着内分泌学的发展增加了许多新的检验项目,目前临床根据甲状腺的生理作用,将常用的甲状腺功能测定方法分为5个方面。由于每项试验仅反映甲状腺功能的某个侧面,结果常受某些外界因素的影响。为了便于临床了解各试验的限制性及其临床意义,进行合理选用,现就各试验原理,临床意义介绍如下。一、甲状腺激素对周围组织作用的试验 (一)基础代谢率(BMR)测定:本试验的原理是根据一定量的食物由化学能转变为生物能和热能时,需消耗一定量的氧而进行的。目前测定BMR的方法,大都是在特定条件下,用特殊仪 Thyroid function measurement, with the development of endocrinology has increased many new test items, the current clinical basis of the thyroid physiological role, the commonly used method of thyroid function is divided into five aspects. Because each test reflects only one side of thyroid function, the results are often affected by some external factors. In order to facilitate clinical understanding of the limitations of each trial and its clinical significance, the rational selection, are now on the principle of each experiment, clinical significance are as follows. First, the role of thyroid hormone on the surrounding tissue test (A) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Determination: The principle of this test is based on a certain amount of food from chemical energy to bio-energy and heat, the need to consume a certain amount of oxygen of. The current method of measuring BMR, mostly under special conditions, with a special instrument
The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs-or even to run a small electric motor-is almost unbelievable, but sever
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优降糖致严重低血糖反应文献报导不多,近我院遇到一例,伴有偏瘫、失语,报导如下: 患者女性,60岁,住院号15811。因神志不清一小时于1984年5月10日下午2时急诊入院.患者有高血
Reading Comprehension
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