Analysis of the Simulated Climatic Characters of the South Asia High with a Flexible Coupled Ocean-A

来源 :Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forreg
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The ability of a climate model to reproduce the climatic characters of the South Asia High (SAH) is assessed by analyzing the 110-yr output of a Flexible Coupled GCM, version 0 (FGCM-0). Comparing the results of FGCM-0 with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the major findings show that FGCM-0 has bette results in simulation of the geopotential height field at 100 hPa, and reproduces fairly the main atmospheri circulation centers. However, there are still some differences in the simulated results compared with the reanalysis data. The coupled model also successfully reproduces the mean seasonal variation of the SAH that is, it moves from the Pacific Ocean to the Asian continent, remaining over the Tibetan Plateau from winter to summer, and then withdraws from the Tibetan Plateau to the Pacific Ocean from summer t winter. However, such observed relationships between the SAH positions and the summer precipitation patterns cannot be fairly reproduced in the FGCM-0. The ability of a climate model to reproduce the climatic characters of the South Asia High (SAH) is assessed by analyzing the 110-yr output of a Flexible Coupled GCM, version 0 (FGCM-0). Comparing the results of FGCM-0 with the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data, the major findings show that FGCM-0 has bette results in simulation of the geopotential height field at 100 hPa, and reproduces fairly the main atmospheri circulation centers. However, there are still some differences in the simulated results compared to with the reanalysis data. The coupled model also successfully reproduces the mean seasonal variation of the SAH that is, it moves from the Pacific Ocean to the Asian continent, remaining over the Tibetan Plateau from winter to summer, and then withdraws from the Tibetan Plateau to the Pacific Ocean from summer t winter. However, such observed relationships between the SAH positions and the summer precipitation patterns can not be fairly reproduced in the FGCM-0.
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