江铜集团武山铜矿选矿车间磨矿工艺采用自磨—球磨,因日采选5000 t 技改需要,需将自磨机传动电机功率由800kW 改为1 000kW。该电动机在运转一段时间后,因安装调整不当,轴承在正常工作条件下,温升超过设备安装说明书规定的标准要求,出现一起“烧瓦”未遂事故,使设备不能运转,影响生产1个班。因此对因安装问题造成的故障进行分析,并提出处理方法。
Jibang Wushan Copper Mine beneficiation plant grinding process using self-grinding - ball mill, mining technology due to mining day 5000 t need to be self-mill drive motor power from 800kW to 1000kW. The motor running for a period of time, due to improper installation, the bearing under normal operating conditions, the temperature rise exceeds the standard requirements of the installation instructions, appear together, “burning tile” attempted accident, the equipment can not operate, affecting the production 1 A class. Therefore, the failure caused by the installation of the analysis, and propose ways to deal with.