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达摩为菩提达摩的简称,亦作达磨,中国佛教禅宗的创始者。相传达摩为南天竺人,南朝宋末航海到广州,又往北魏洛阳,在嵩山少林寺面壁打坐九年。后遇慧可,授以《楞伽经》四卷。慧可承受了他的心法,于是禅宗得以流传。故宫博物院陶瓷馆陈列的向朝宗款达摩立像,形态神妙,气韵生动。达摩像额头宽阔,超过正常人的比例,深目高鼻, Bodhidharma is the abbreviation of Bodhidharma and also serves as the founder of Dharma and Zen Buddhism in China. According to legend, Mount Namtian Zhuo people, sailing to the southern end of the Southern Song Dynasty, but also to the Northern Wei Luoyang, Songshan Temple face meditation nine years. After Hui meet, grant “Lankavatara” four volumes. Hui can bear his heart, so Zen can be spread. Museum of the National Palace Museum ceramic exhibition to the Zhaomei Dharma statue, the shape of wonderful, vivid charm. Like a broad forehead of Bodhidharma, the proportion of more than normal, deep high nose,