以筛选出的抗性资源HZNH和Xanthi-nc为抗性材料,以品种K358为感病材料,建立烟草对TMV的抗感实验系统。研究它们在SAR(systemic acquired resistance)过程中响应TMV病程中信号分子的时空变化。利用抗体检测SAR过程中烟草内源ABA含量变化,发现接种TMV能够诱导烟草内源抗病品种Xanthi-nc具有较高的内源ABA含量,并在处理后能够大幅度上升;抗病品种HZNH具有较高的内源ABA含量,在处理后上升幅度不大;感病品种K358内源ABA含量较低,在处理后上升幅度介于2个抗病品种之间。
Based on the selected resistance resources HZNH and Xanthi-nc as the resistant materials and the variety K358 as the susceptible material, an anti-sense experimental system of tobacco against TMV was established. To study the spatial and temporal changes of signal molecules in response to TMV during the process of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Antibody was used to detect endogenous ABA content in tobacco during SAR. It was found that inoculation with TMV could induce high endogenous ABA content of Xanthi-nc, an endogenous resistant variety in tobacco, and could significantly increase after treatment. The resistant variety HZNH had The higher content of endogenous ABA did not increase much after treatment. The content of endogenous ABA in susceptible variety K358 was lower, and the increase range was between two resistant varieties after treatment.