初到巴黎,获奖作品无人问津 我叫赵楠,家住泉城济南。1994年从中国纺织学院毕业时。正逢北京一家很有名气的欧洲服装公司“招兵买马”。我就毫不犹豫地报了名。当我穿着自己亲手设计制作的风衣,并把一大摞获奖作品证书捧到招聘人员面前时,文质彬彬的“主考”顿时眼睛一亮,他像审视一件艺术珍品一样,上下打量着面前我这个典型的“时装女”。于是,我就成了该公司的一员。
Arrived in Paris, winning entries no one cares about my name is Zhao Nan, who lives in Springs Jinan. 1994 graduated from the China Textile Institute. Coincides with a well-known Beijing European clothing company “recruiting”. I did not hesitate to report the name. When I wore a trench coat of my own hands and possessed a large pile of award-winning creations in front of recruiters, the gentle “examiner” suddenly appeared bright and looked like a piece of art treasures, looking up and down in front of me A typical “fashion girl.” So, I became a member of the company.