露天矿的采掘验收,是开采过程中的一项必要任务。目前,全国各露天矿都根据本矿山的开采情况,采用相应的验收测量方法。由于验收测量方法不同,其验收量的精度也就各不相同。本文针对英德硫铁矿所采用的垂直断面法的验收精度进行分析。 一、断面基点和断面的建立 矿山在开采过程中,各断面上的里程桩不可能长期完整地保存下去,这样就必须建立一个便于长期保存的控制系统。断面基点就是采用垂直断面法进行采掘验收的基本控制点,它是各条断面里程和方位的起算依据。它从矿山基建开始,直至矿山开采完毕,贯穿整个过程。
Open pit mining excavation, mining process is an essential task. At present, all open-pit mines in the country adopt the corresponding acceptance measurement methods according to the mining conditions in this mine. As the acceptance of different measurement methods, the accuracy of its acceptance will vary. This article analyzes the acceptance accuracy of the vertical section method adopted by Anglo-German pyrite. First, the cross-section of the base point and the establishment of the section of the mine in the mining process, the sections of the mileage pile can not be preserved long-term integrity, so you must create a long-term preservation of the control system. Section base point is the use of vertical section method for mining acceptance of the basic control point, which is the milestone of each section and bearing the starting position. It started from the mining infrastructure until mining was completed throughout the process.