This essay introduces the importance and role of the location of the new Shanghai temple to Dingding line in promoting the westward movement of the national energy strategy, promoting the economic and social development in the region, implementing the strategy of sustainable development and improving the efficiency of resource allocation, The necessity of setting the borderline; The new Shanghai Temple to Dingbian Railway is located at the junction of Shaanxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia provinces. The line is mostly located at the southern edge of Etuokeqian Banner in Ordos, Inner Mongolia and Yanchi County in Ningxia, and some of the locations are located in the northwestern part of Dingbian County in Shaanxi Province. This line is an integral part of “Medium-and-Long-Term Railway Network Planning (2008)” and is a convenient channel for more than 10 wellfields in the south of Shanghai’s Miaoning Minefield. Its construction is of positive significance to enhancing the capability of coal transportation in the Ordos. Promote local economic development.