推进媒体融合发展 抢占舆论引导新阵地

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按照中央推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展的总体部署,嘉兴广电也在认真思考,积极探索,寻求适合我们自身特点的融合发展之路,经过一段时间的实践,有了一定的实践积累,也遇到了一些困难和问题,借助省学会学术年会的平台,和业界的各位领导和同仁作个交流。一、我们的认识与定位中央关于媒体融合发展的指导意见通过一年以来,学术界、传媒界对传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展的政策性解读、理论 In accordance with the Central Government to promote the integration of traditional media and the overall development of new media deployment, Jiaxing Radio and Television is also seriously thinking, and actively explore and seek suitable for our own characteristics of the integration of the development of the road, after a period of practice, with some practical accumulation, To a number of difficulties and problems, with the provincial academic annual meeting of the platform, and all the industry leaders and colleagues to make an exchange. I. Our Understanding and Orientation The Central Government’s Guiding Opinion on the Development of Media Convergence Through the past year, the policy interpretation of the integration and development of traditional media and emerging media by academia and media, the theory
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