中国新闻史上没有那一种新闻报道方式,能像现场短新闻那样受到读者厚待。原因在“美”!美在哪里?鲜活,具有动感。它将活生生的社会现象立在纸上,栩栩如生。其技法大致有如下三种。 情节的动感——多画面。 现场短新闻采撷的新闻事实,如果只有一个画面,那是“幻灯片”;捡出几个画面,才可能成为“动画片”。记者在现场采访时,应该用眼睛观看现场各个点,搜寻多
There is no such way of news reporting in the history of Chinese news, which can be treated like the short news on the scene. The reason is “beauty”! Where is the beauty? Fresh, dynamic. It will live living social phenomenon on paper, lifelike. The techniques are roughly the following three. Plot of the dynamic - multi-screen. The fact of the news on the spot short news picks, if there is only one picture, it is “slideshow”; pick up a few pictures, it may become “cartoon.” Reporters at the scene interview, you should use the eyes to watch the various points on the scene, search more