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近几年来,我们湖北省鄂州市物资系统解放思想,的承包基数计算,我们在1991、1992两年内,已全面开拓进取,投身大市场,经营大买卖,经济效益高速增完成了四年承包任务,提前跨入1995年。与此同时,长,1992年全系统物资购进7.5亿元,比上年增长固定资产投入加大,总额为800万元。职工素质明显74%,物资销售为7.2亿元,比上年增长61%,上交提高,经营性质出现飞跃,整个物资系统充满生机和活税金为319.2万元,比上年增长94.5%,实现利税力。1411.5万元,比上年增长117%;其中利润1092.3 一、转换机制,加强管理。一是强化责任机制。去年万元,比上年增长124.6%。这个数字相当于我局全初,我们分别同各公司签订年度目标责任书,对企业确系统上轮三年承包所完成的利润总和。按市政府下达定了利润指标、上交指标和销售指标。对利润指标实行 In recent years, we have calculated the contractual base for material emancipation in Ezhou City, Hubei Province. In the two years 1991 and 1992, we have been fully forging ahead, investing in the big market, operating large sales, and completing the four-year contracting task with high economic efficiency. Advance into 1995. At the same time, long, in 1992, the purchases of materials for the whole system amounted to 750 million yuan, an increase in the increase in fixed assets over the previous year, totaling 8 million yuan. The quality of employees was obviously 74%, and material sales were 720 million yuan, an increase of 61% over the previous year. Turnover was improved, and the nature of the operation was a leap. The entire material system was full of vitality and live taxes of 3.19 million yuan, an increase of 94.5% over the previous year. Taxes and profits. 141.15 million yuan, an increase of 117% over the previous year; of which profits 1092.3 I. Conversion mechanism, strengthen management. The first is to strengthen the accountability mechanism. Last year, 10,000 yuan, an increase of 124.6% over the previous year. This figure is equivalent to the entire beginning of the Council. We have signed the annual target responsibility statement with each company, and the total sum of the profits that the company has completed in the previous three years of contracting. According to the city government, the profit index, the turnover index and the sales index are determined. Implementing profit indicators
同志们:今天我想讲几个问题。 一、工艺工作的地位和作用 因为我们是工艺工作的会,如果我们对工艺工作本身的地位和作用认识不够,开展工艺工作就容易产生偏差。因为这种偏差
主要特点1、高效:效率比弓锯床高5~8倍。2、节材:由于锯口窄,端面不留加工余量,故要切割1平方米截面,比弓锯床节约88公斤钢材,仅节材一年即可收回投资. 3、节能:采用最先进的
序号展览会矛’蕊一’一「-展览时间全田沿海经济特区戊果展览会全国侨资企业成果展览会只本称床医疗器材展览会3 .10~3。163。28~选。105,8~5,土O万下骊荡汤展丽’””.’一