新出台的《前期物业服务合同(示范文本)》和《业主临时公约(示范文本)》,规定多收物管费需双倍返还,装修侵害邻居权益须赔偿。 从今年10月1日起,物业管理企业在向业主提供服务时,必须详细标明物业管理企业名称、服务内容、服务标准、计费方式、收费依据、价格举报电话12358等。
The newly promulgated “Property Services Contract (Model Text)” and “Provisional Convention for Owners (Model Text)” stipulated that double-return of overpayment fees and administration fees would be required, and renovation and infringement upon the rights and interests of neighbors shall be compensated. From October 1 this year, property management companies in the provision of services to owners, property management companies must be clearly marked with the name, service content, service standards, billing methods, charging basis, the price reporting phone 12358 and so on.