山东省青岛市四方区曾是一块革命 的热土,历来有爱军尚武的光荣传统,刘 少奇、邓恩铭、李慰农等老一辈无产阶级 革命家先后在这里战斗过。在改革开放的 今天,四方区历届领导都非常重视国防建 设,现任区委书记、区人武部党委第一书 记吴淑玲。以一位女性对国防建设特有的 雄心、爱心、恒心,谱写了一曲又一曲党管 武装的赞歌。
Sifang District of Qingdao City, Shandong Province, was a hot spot for revolution and has always had the glorious tradition of marrying love of armed forces. The proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation such as Liu Shaoqi, Deng Enming and Li Weinong have fought here successively. Today, during the reform and opening up, all previous leaders of the Sifang District attached great importance to the building of national defense. Currently, Wu Shuling, the secretary of the district party committee and the first secretary of the party committee of the armed forces in the district, is the leader. With a woman’s unique ambition, love and perseverance in national defense construction, I wrote one song and another anthem about the party’s armed forces.