买了一栋心仪的别墅,应该是件高兴的事,可是李先生最近却一直乐不起来。需要租房买房,却没有时间找房,人们往往首先想到的是找房屋中介公司。如今,形形色色、大小不一的房屋中介在城市里随处可见。可是,中介是否可信?他们是否真的可以帮你节省时间,让你顺利租到或买到满意的房子? 一个多月前,李先生到海月花园二期的一家房屋中介公司委托他们帮自己买一套二手别墅。房子很快就找到了,合同也签了。可是让李先生想不到的是,由于自己一个小小的疏忽,竟然被中介“黑”了几万元。
Bought a favorite villa, it should be a happy thing, but Mr. Lee has been up late recently. Need to rent to buy a house, but did not have time to find a room, people often think of is to find housing agency company first. Today, housing agencies of every size and size are everywhere in the city. However, the intermediary is credible? They really can help you save time, let you successfully rent or buy a satisfactory house? More than a month ago, Mr. Lee to the Sea Moon Garden Phase II, a housing agency commissioned them to help Buy a second-hand villa. The house was soon found, and the contract was signed. But let Lee think unexpectedly, because of a small negligence, even being intermediary “black ” a few million.