一、什么是职业病? 职业病是人们在生产劳动过程中,由于劳动环境中的某些生产性有害因素(即职业危害)所造成的疾病。这些生产性有害因素如:(1) 化学毒物如铅、汞、苯、一氧化碳、有机磷农药等;(2) 生产性粉尘如矽尘、煤尘、有机粉尘等;(3) 物理因素如高温,高、低气压、电离辐射、噪声、振动等;(4) 生物因素如炭疽杆菌、布氏杆菌等。
First, what is occupational disease? Occupational disease is people in the production process, due to the labor environment in the production of certain harmful factors (ie, occupational hazards) caused by the disease. The production of harmful factors such as: (1) chemical poisons such as lead, mercury, benzene, carbon monoxide, organophosphorus pesticides, etc .; (2) productive dust such as silica dust, coal dust, organic dust, etc .; (3) physical factors such as high temperature , High, low pressure, ionizing radiation, noise, vibration, etc .; (4) biological factors such as Bacillus anthracis, brucellosis and so on.