
来源 :国外医学.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:berg123
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眼部异常往往伴有肾脏疾患。肾和眼的巩膜、结膜、虹膜、睫状体和脉络膜都同属于中胚层结构,因此,当妊娠3周时若胚胎受到损害,同时发生眼和肾脏的异常是毫不足奇的。大多数血清钙正常或减低的晚期急性或慢性肾脏疾病患者,其浅层视网膜可有细小的磷酸钙结晶沉着而通常并无自觉视力症状。伴有高血钙的肾病患者可有带状角膜病变。氨基酸尿症和血磷酸盐过低的患者亦可出现此改变而影响视力。高血压伴有急性或慢性肾疾患可并发视网膜病变,其特点为动脉变细和硬化,视网膜出血和渗 Ocular abnormalities are often accompanied by kidney problems. The sclera, conjunctiva, iris, ciliary body and choroid of both kidneys and eyes belong to the mesodermal structure. Therefore, it is not surprising that if the embryo is damaged at 3 weeks of gestation and the simultaneous ocular and renal abnormalities occur. In most patients with advanced acute or chronic kidney disease with normal or reduced serum calcium, the superficial retina may have fine calcium phosphate crystals that are usually subjective and have no symptoms of conscious vision. Patients with nephropathy associated with hypercalcemia may have ribbon keratopathy. Amino aciduria and hypophosphatemia in patients with this change may also affect visual acuity. High blood pressure associated with acute or chronic kidney disease can be complicated by retinopathy, which is characterized by thinning and hardening of the arteries, retinal hemorrhage and bleeding