本次会议于 2000年 8月 1-3日在辽宁省果树所召开。参加会议的有北京市林果所、天津市林果所、河北省石家庄果树所、河北省昌黎果树所、山西省果树所、山东省果树所、内蒙古园艺所、辽宁省果树所、中国农科院郑州果树所、吉林省果树所及北京农学院果树所的所长、书记。
The meeting was held on August 1-3, 2000 in Fruit Tree of Liaoning Province. Participants at the conference were Beijing Institute of Fruit, Fruit Institute of Tianjin, Shijiazhuang Fruit Tree Research Institute of Hebei Province, Changli Fruit Tree Research Institute of Shanxi Province, Fruit Tree Research Institute of Shanxi Province, Fruit Tree Research Institute of Shandong Province, Inner Mongolia Horticultural Institute, Fruit Tree Research Institute of Liaoning Province, Institute of Zhengzhou fruit trees, fruit trees in Jilin Province and Beijing Institute of Agriculture fruit tree director, secretary.