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近日,全国农技中心在合肥市举办小麦赤霉病科学用药技术培训班。专家们预测,今年小麦赤霉病在长江中下游和黄淮南部麦区有偏重以上流行风险。西北农林科技大学康振生教授指出,除了抗病品种匮乏、田间管理粗放、防治药剂单一等原因,如果秸秆还田措施不到位,也会大大增加小麦赤霉病流行的风险。小麦赤霉病是一种典型的花期入侵病害,抽穗扬花期发生阴雨天气会助 Recently, the National Agricultural Technology Center held a scientific training course on wheat scab in Hefei. Experts predict that this year, wheat head blight will prevail over the prevailing risks in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in the southern Huanghuai Huaihe area. Professor Kang Zhensheng of Northwest A & F University pointed out that besides the shortage of disease-resistant varieties, the extensive field management and the single prevention and treatment of pesticides, if the straw returning measures are not in place, the risk of the wheat head blight will be greatly increased. Wheat scab is a typical inflorescence disease in inflorescence and flowering during rainy days.
作 家 档 案    张炜,1955年11月生,山东龙口人,原籍栖霞。1980年开始创作,作品主要有长篇小说《古船》《九月寓言》《柏慧》《家族》,中篇小说《秋天的愤怒》《蘑菇七种》等,短篇小说集、散文集《玉米》《融入野地》《夜思》等。已出版《张炜作品选》五卷。现为山东作协专业作家。  当浮躁像瘟疫一样在文坛弥漫时,张炜却如同具有免疫力般不为所动。他始终跟随着自己的心灵写作。有些作家能够像制造商品一